About Us
Picture of Dr. Rabalais' dental office in Houma, LA.Houma Office:

Dr. Rabalais opened his periodontal practice in the Houma-Thibodaux area in 1980. In 1992 he opened a satellite office in New Iberia. Over 85 general dentists and dental specialists from eight parishes in South Louisiana express confidence in us by referring their patients to our offices for periodontal care. In addition, many of our patients are self-referred, since one does not need a referral from a dentist or physician to be examined in our office.




New Iberia Office: In 1992 Dr. Rabalais opened a second office in New Iberia. This office is opened on Fridays and is staffed by personnel that work in surrounding New Iberia dental offices other days of the week. The New Iberia team consists of two front staff, two dental hygienists and three dental assistants that work on a rotating schedule.







You can reach us easily by phone toll free.  Just dial our local number in Houma, Thibodaux and New Iberia and the call is forwarded to the office where we are seeing patients that day. After hours we have a phone recorder so you can leave a message for us.  We will return your call as soon as our office opens in the morning.


We accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover credit cards, and CareCredit as well as your personal check. Interest free financing is available to qualified applicants.  Many of our patients have used this method for payment and have been extremely satisfied.  


Most phases of periodontal therapy may be covered by dental insurance.  We will help you in filing your claims, handling insurance questions, processing follow-ups, etc.

Note:  In this website you will find an article which describes in general how most dental insurance companies operate.  To view this page, click here.


We make every effort to schedule your appointments at your most convenient time and we try to stay on schedule.  We confirm appointments through texting and when necessary phone calls.