Stages Of Gum Disease
Picture of periodontal disease and a dental tool.Often taken for granted, the monotonous task of brushing and flossing our teeth daily has never been more important in order to avoid gum disease and the risks gum disease place on our overall health.

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Dangers of Gum Disease
Picture of periodontal disease before treatment.There are millions of germs that live in your mouth. If you suffer from gum disease, you have open wounds in your gums that allow these bacteria to enter directly into your blood ..

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Picture of blood being taken to check for diabetes.Research has come forth that suggests that the relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes goes both ways – periodontal disease can make it more difficult for diabetics to control their blood sugar.

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Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body
Picture of two people running on a beach to represent healthy mouth.Taking good care of your mouth does more than help ensure you have a bright, white smile. Having a healthy mouth and healthy body go hand-in-hand! 

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Heart Disease
Picture of a heart to represent heart disease and the systemic effect.The link between gum and heart problems has long been recognized….

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Low birth weight and premature babies
Picture of a pregnant woman holding her belly to represent low birth weight babies and premature birth.Something that many women may not be aware of is the effect that having gum disease has on pregnant women.

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Pancreatic Cancer
Picture of a pancreatic cancer awareness bracelet to represent the link between cancer and periodontal disease.A recent study from the University of Harvard showed that in over 51,000 males those who had moderate to severe gum disease are at a 60% greater risk for developing Pancreatic Cancer.

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Picture of a human brain to represent the risk of stroke as a systemic effect from periodontal disease.Recent studies have shown that people with moderate to advanced periodontal disease are at a greater risk for having a stoke. The bottom line is that you have an infection in your mouth that spreads to your entire body 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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Tooth and Bone Loss
Picture of a tooth and bone loss at the base of the tooth.Without properly aligned teeth an individual might not be able to chew correctly and this may affect their diet.

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